Thursday, 1 May 2014


Started from the bottom (of the world), now we here! Dreadful song = dreadful intro. Deal with it. I now live in Paris - the 11th Arrondissement to be precise – which, as you know, is somewhere between Republique and Bastille. Somewhere between Notre Dame and Père Lachaise cemetery:

Père Lachaise cemetery

Notre Dame - truly bizarre mascot, by the way.
I'm here because my girlfriend got a fancy job in Paris. Before applying for the job (sometime last year), she asked me whether I would move here if she got it. She also assured me that it was a long shot. Well, I told her that, 'sure', she should go ahead and apply, 'but don't be too upset if you don't get it...' I then patted her on the head, and she went back to her colouring-in. I promptly forgot about this outlandish proposition.

Smash cut to February 2014. I got a phone call from a rather breathless girlfriend, telling me that she had just been offered the job, and can we still move to Paris? It is now May, and I live in Paris. We have a nice little apartment with wood floors and an all-white couch, perfect for spilling red wine on. We have a white table, white shelving and white walls. To combat all that white, we have begun a feature wall:

It's a work in progress. 

I have already explained that my girlfriend has a job. I do not have a job. This makes said girlfriend the bread winner, or the baguette winner, if you will. [Technically, she would be the 'pain' winner, but that just doesn't look right. We'll stick with baguette winner.]

The baguette winner works a lot. This leaves me with rather a lot of time on my hands. For now, I have been filling this time with trips to markets, re-re-re-watching Arrested Development and The Simpsons, and by getting lost. I have also been tending to the garden:

Eventually, I'll need to find a job. For now, it's enough to simply amble around Paris, garbling the language and riding the silly French bikes (there will be more on this, I'm sure). 

Bonne journée et au revoir.

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